Skerries Sailing Club Invites all Mermaid sailors to Skerries for the Mermaid National Championship from the 5th to the 11th of August.
On behalf of Skerries Sailing Club I would like to invite all mermaid skippers and crews, together with their families and friends, to join us for the Mermaid Nationals in August this year. Preparations are well underway to make this a special and memorable event and we are particularly proud to be hosting the mermaid fleet this year, which marks the 85th since the birth of the mermaid, designed by John Kearney in 1932. We are hoping to welcome a large fleet of these beautiful classic dinghies and to offer you great sailing facilities, top class entertainment and a very warm welcome for the week.
Kieran Branagan
NOR and other official documents can now be viewed on our Resources page. Further information about the club facilities can be found on the Skerries Sailing Club website at or contact the Mermaid Class Captain, BrianMcNally by email at