Mermaid Sailing Association subscriptions for 2021 are now due.
The subscription rates are: Boat Owner Members €40, Crew Members €10.
Each owner member attending a General Meeting shall be entitled to one vote on any matter. A Crew Member shall be entitled to one vote on any matter except those relating to the Constitution and Rules, Regulations, Plans and Specification.
The 2021 Membership and Declaration form can be found here: This form should be completed and returned to the Hon. Secretary together with your subscription before competing in any Mermaid Class racing or in the National Championships.
Boat Owner’s subscriptions must be paid before participating in any MSA event. The first such event is the Rush Regatta on the 10th and 11th of July 2021. If a boat’s and helm’s MSA subscriptions are not paid, the results will not count. It is up to each boat owner/helm to ensure that the MSA subscriptions are paid.
Subscriptions should be paid where possible by direct transfer to the account detailed below. Please make sure your boat number and name are on the transfer as a reference. If you pay by direct transfer you should email your completed declaration to or post it to Jennie Shiels, Hon. Secretary MSA, 16 Hillside Gardens, Skerries, Co. Dublin.
Bank: Bank of Ireland 26 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3
Code: 90-05-43
Account: 11138304
IBAN: IE48 BOFI 9005 4311 1383 04
Subscriptions may also be paid by cheque payable to the Mermaid Sailing Association and sent to Jennie Shiels, Hon. Secretary MSA, 16 Hillside Gardens, Skerries, Co. Dublin.