Our 65th Annual General Meeting is fast approaching, taking place on Friday the 2nd of December at 8pm at Skerries Sailing Club. You can view the formal AGM notice HERE. If you have a specific item you would like discussed that is not covered in the formal agenda you should request this by email to the Hon. Secretary, Paul Smith at honsec.msa@gmail.com before Friday 25th November. It was fantastic to see such a great turnout last year so please make the effort to attend again.

Paul Smith is at present Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.  The committee believes it would be better to have overall control of the MSA’s funds separate from decisions about spending.  Accordingly, we are looking for a candidate or candidates for the role of Honorary Treasurer. We are also looking for another general Committee member to come onboard specifically to help with the running of the new website and social pages. If you are interested or would like to put your name forward for any of these positions please drop an email to honsec.msa@gmail.com.

Looking forward to seeing you there!