Our 2016 National Championship event is getting very close and we’re looking forward to a new venue at Howth Yacht Club and a new racing format taking place over 4 days. A few important points for anyone who is planning on attending:
Entries for the Nationals can only be made online. There will be no option to register on the day. This is very important and the organising committee at Howth Yacht Club would like to encourage everyone to get their entries in as soon as possible. All the information you need can be found on their website: http://hyc.ie/open-events (scroll down to the Mermaid Nationals event). You can view the notice of race and the online entry form here and it is a very simple process to register your boat and pay the entry fee online. We really need to stress this, please get your boat registered as soon as possible.
An area outside the club will be cordoned off for camper vans. Anyone planning to bring a camper van needs to let us know so that we can tell Howth how many need to be accommodated. Please drop an email to honsec.msa@gmail.com to let us know if you are bringing a campervan.
It may be possible to pitch some tents inside the club compound. This would be on a block surface and will require tent pegs that can be driven between blocks. Again Howth Yacht Club need to know how many people are intending on camping as soon as possible so please drop us an email to let us know.
Sailing Instructions will be available on the Howth Yacht Club website soon and it’s shaping up to be a great event. We will be racing with 17s on the Saturday and a large turnout is expected so hopefully it will make for a lively racing zone.
These are the key updates for the moment, more details to follow closer to the time but the main thing is to get your online entry in as soon as possible!